White Supremacy Culture is sin. It’s everywhere. It’s largely invisible to White people. It’s killing us. Let us repent.
White Supremacy has shaped European Descent societies for hundreds of years. It has a culture — ways of doing and being that many people do not notice and/or accept as the norm. It’s just how things are done here. This culture – White Supremacy Culture – is “the belief that the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.” (www.dismantlingracism.org) It is one of many things that upholds systemic racism, keeps BIPOC from what Jesus called “abundant life,” and harms white folk as well by creating invisible standards and expectations that are, generally, not helpful for anyone. (Read more at Disrupt Worship Project.)
Sundays in Lent, during worship and Coffee hour, we will explore how we embody White Supremacy Culture, we will repent and turn towards life-giving antidotes that bring us closer to the liberating love God intends for all.