Ask anyone who prays and they will tell you prayer changes us.  We don’t understand how, but it does.

For example, when we pray for our enemies (Luke 6:27)—it becomes harder and harder to keep them as enemies. Enemy Pie is a powerful children’s book in this regard.

It might sound counter-intuitive, but prayer is “faith in action.” If we are going toexpect God’s love to change us (one of Immanuel’s core values) then we want to be open to God’s voice, God’s vision, God’s word of love. Prayer is as simple and as deep as that.

At church and home
Prayer is an important part of all our gatherings at Immanuel. We speak our prayers, sing our prayers, as well as keep silent space and light candles. We invite you to make a sacred space in your home where you can carve out time to listen to God and remember sisters and brothers near and far.

Prayer requests
If you have a prayer request, please enter it below and we will join our hearts and prayers with yours.